
捆绑 紧缚


束缚文化馆 束缚文化馆 发表于2018-03-21 12:10:31 浏览2209 评论0


捆绑的目的:最初是为了完成“拷打”,现变为成人游戏 原文如下: The Goal of “Shibari” by Hisashi Oka Kitan Club. November, 1970 issue Originally, “to tie” was to carry out the steps to restrain another person’s freedom in order to force various “torments” upon them. That is, “kinbaku” was purely the method, and the goal of torment followed afterward. When confronted with a weak person, people are cruel. They will torment and yell at the person. Moreover, eveyone secretly harbors a cruel pleasure in seeing someone writhing in pain and disgrace, unable to defend themselves. And what we call “compassion” is a type of superiority one feels when one isn’t that kind of victim oneself. It’s the paper thin surface covering emotions that sense a beauty in the cruelty. Accordingly, tying lacks something essential without the torment, and even a masochistic partner would feel unsatisfied, indeed. Nevertheless, there are a lot of photos that end with just the “tying,” That is, there’s isn’t any “torment,” which is the main point of the tying itself. Why the heck would they do that? Naturally, before one knows it, those essential methods could transform into the goal itself. And in the case of kinbaku with women, a beautiful woman’s body feels the beauty of being bound. In its own way, that’s the point. 捆绑的目的:最初是为了完成“拷打”,现变为成人游戏 原文翻译:捆绑的目的 作者:Hisashi Oka 奇谈杂志 1970年11月 最初,捆绑是一种为了完成“拷打”目的,而限制人行动自由的执行手段,“紧缚”曾经是纯粹的方法,紧随其后的才是目标“拷打”。面对弱小的时候,人会变得残忍,他们会折磨和大声吼叫,此外当看着他人受苦和被羞辱时无力反抗,每个人的内心都会隐藏着一种残忍的莫名的喜悦。(捆绑可以使人变得弱小,无力反抗,拷打的目标才更容易达成。) 我们称之为“同情”或者“恻隐之心”本质上是一种优越感,是当一个人不可能有机会成为受害者的时候,才会产生这种心理。同情只是一层纸,覆盖在目睹残酷之美所产生的刺激情绪上。 因此,捆绑而没有拷打,是只有方法而缺少了曾经的核心目标。实际上,即使一个有受虐倾向的玩伴也会感到无法满足。 然而,有许多摄影作品表现的全部只有捆绑,确切的说,根本不存在“拷打”,主要的目的就是捆绑。为什么他们会这样做?很自然地,因为在人们知道捆绑曾经是方法之前,捆绑存在的意义已经发生了变化(转换为情趣),方法已经转换成了目标本身。 从紧缚的例子看,美丽的女性身体被捆绑,本身就会产生情绪,这是捆绑自己的发展方式,这才是要点。人们不需要探求原因,只需享受结果。 束缚绳艺网:这是一篇有当年的知名紧缚师Hisashi Oka在奇谈杂志上的专栏文章,目的是探讨绳艺紧缚是怎样从一种专业执法或军事人员用来拷问犯人或间谍的方法(捕绳术),变成了一种成人游戏的。当年(1970年代)引发了长时间的讨论,在绳艺文化发展史上产生过一定的影响。

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